Neptune in Pisces from 2011 until 2026

AFFIRMATIONS and teachings of the 12 zodiac signs


Sharon and Dixie, Soul Sistars See more of Sharon's ART for the SOUL
- This article includes teaching about the planets of our solar system, which ones we can control or interact with, and which ones are out of our control; they just seem to happen 'to' us...and this leads us to a better understanding of the great planetary shifts that are taking place in respect to the planet, Neptune.
Get yourself a cup of tea or coffee, put up your feet, read slowly,
savor the beauty of the spiritual dynamics underneath this miraculous creation we live in.

SUN, Mercury, Venus,
Moon, Mars
1. OUR PERSONAL PLANETS - The planets closest to our SUN, and including our SUN, MERCURY, VENUS, MOON, and MARS, are all considered our personal planets. We have a measure of control and interact with these energies in our charts in such a way that they define our personalities, they tend to define our likes and dislikes, what we are drawn to, what we love, the ways in which we act, our purpose and what we are comfortable with. As we mature we gain an ability to handle these energies and learn to channel them into useful, skillful lives.

I have recently added: (and Sharon has painted for you these Goddesses:)

SEDNA a Goddess in Exile


The next grouping out from the Sun to Mars is the ASTEROID GODDESSES; they LINK us to our social planets. They are mostly FEMININE in nature, and since their discovery in the late 1700s, women's choices and roles in the world have shifted dramatically.
By interacting with these archetypes, we are actually CHANGING them in our own lives. (see page ASTEROID GODDESSES or click on one of the Goddesses above, PERSEPHONE, HEKATE, or SEDNA, and read about their stories and how you can interact with them) The Asteroid Goddesses must gain our attention and awareness to become fully activated in our everyday lives. The more we notice them and the natural feminine energies they produce, the closer we come to redefining ourselves as women on a path. The feminine principle is evolving through our conscious interaction with these lovely, loving, and nurturing archetypes.
Jupiter, Saturn
Jupiter and Saturn help us move from our personal center out into the bigger world. These are called the Social Planets. Saturn brings us trials so that we can mature and become responsible. It teaches us about commitments and trust in our social domain. Jupiter gives opportunities that come from the outer world to meet us. We become part of a community when we interact with these planets. But we cannot shape what comes to meet us on our path; only decide, with the help of our personal planets, how and whether or not we will respond to their opportunities and challenges.
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
And then there are our OUTER PLANETS, URANUS, NEPTUNE, and PLUTO. These three planets connect us to the larger collective energy. Jungians would refer to this energy as our Collective Unconscious. In Astrology, we refer to them as transpersonal energies. We have little or no control personally over them because they represent the BIG PICTURE of all of us as a human family. They define wars, famines, droughts, huge climatic upheavals, technology that changes the world, bigger spiritual forces, and the large political and ideological trends in our society and our world.
The OUTER PLANETS affect us as groups and as a generation. If our personal chart gets a 'hit' by the actual degrees that these planets are traveling over, then we are likely to be affected. But, if not, we see the results in the news or we see their effects on our family, our friends, and our loved ones.
Neptune will stay in Pisces until 2026. Neptune is an outer planet that moves slowly taking 15 to 30 years to go through a sign. Neptune, as one of the outermost planets, rules the collective unconscious of our world. Neptune is a water planet, and Pisces, the sign it rules, is a water sign. Neptune rules our oceans, our oil reserves, and water underground - all will continue to be issues of major concern during these years.
So much of what human beings, that's you and I, are FEELING right now relates to events that are out of our personal control. Denial and self-delusion can be patterns of Neptunian behavior that we use to give ourselves a 'sense' that we have some control.
As Neptune moves more and more into Pisces, our illusions give way to feelings of helplessness. We suffer emotionally from depression and feelings of futility, which can become all too familiar in our everyday lives.
But as our sense of helplessness deepens, we begin to mature; our inner world becomes open to new dimensions of our inner life, most importantly, the tender area of our hearts.
NEPTUNE, a slow traveler, changes us slowly over time and rules what we call the higher octave of Venus, or LOVE. As we grow with Neptune, our love goes from the personal to the unconditional. The helplessness that leads to so much inner suffering can become Faith, Hope, and Comfort as we find our own way in making our own personal choices as to how we are going to act and what part we will play in these great dramas unfolding all around us now.
We are not being asked to do it all or to solve THE PROBLEM....but we are being called. It is a spiritual calling within the heart of mankind to awaken our hearts...and perhaps to sacrifice some of our personal values and desires for the greater good.

"Compassion" Pisces by Sharon Russell
Here is Sharon's image of the zodiac sign PISCES. Pisces is ruled by Neptune. This lovely watercolor illustrates a feminine perspective of Pisces. We see her ethereal, watery quality, a kind of 'drifting through life' feeling that many Pisces people experience when in their unfocused, dreamy, watery state.
A strong Neptune in your chart may mean you already have a well-developed, compassionate nature. If Neptune is aspected by squares or oppositions, you will surely be working on issues that seem beyond your control, but LIFE will require of you that you find your way through the murkiness of this part of your life.

Notice the lovely LOTUS blossom at her feet. The feet are the body part ruled by Pisces. Feet are a symbol of humility, of loving understanding. 'Walking in another person's shoes' is the ability of a developed Neptune.
A developed Neptune brings in COMPASSION or CO-PASSION for the other. And it is through tender feelings of love in our hearts that our maturity leads us to take our part in these great challenges unfolding all around us.

All around the globe, through media, we are being deeply connected to the experiences and tragedies of other people's lives. Yet, we feel helpless to help and often become depressed or anxious in the wake of it all.
Neptune is shaping us into a NEW REALITY in which our hearts are beginning to resonate with the hearts of those across the globe, with those we may never see or have any personal connection with. But it is happening as we watch the news, feel the pulse of life, and the suffering of others. We even feel our own suffering, and it is not selfish. It is a part of this unfolding of the next step in our becoming truly HUMAN.

With NEPTUNE IN PISCES until 2026, we are in this time of the development of COMPASSION in ALL OUR HEARTS! No one will be exempt. Our tender feelings are about to become wave upon wave of compassion in each of our individual hearts. We are in a time of great human evolutionary shift.

This watery symbol is the symbol for AQUARIUS
Age of Aquarius - is the energy of sisterhood, brotherhood, and harmony of all people regardless of race, color, religious belief, or sexual orientation. It is a TIME OF WORLD DEMOCRACY.....ahhhhh, haven't you just been waiting for this time? I have.
The Aquarian age will also be a time when transpersonal energy becomes out of hand, and we cannot find a way to connect - i.e. waiting on the phone or computer line while you are trying to figure out how to get a human and not a robot to help you. We will talk more about this in future articles on why our HEARTS are being called upon to keep us in balance during the Aquarian Age, an age that will last some 2400 years!
It is these transpersonal planets, Neptune and URANUS, the ruler of Aquarius and the new age of light coming from this group of stars in the Great Cosmic Mother, that compel us to REALIZE OUR CONNECTION WITH ALL OTHER BEINGS ON THIS PLANET.
Our neighborhood is shrinking. In the media, we see refugees running across a bridge with their children - who look just like us and just like our children. Our heart's participation will bring us into the heart alignment we need to face these changes on Earth.

Our hearts are breaking; we are FEELING more deeply and compassionately than ever before.

Our Challenge, dear Soul Sistars, is to not give in to hopelessness and fear but rather to align and realign every day with HOPE and FAITH and LOVE ......and we will get through this great shift together. Many of us will be called to find 'our way' to help purify and uplift as we become whole-hearted, giving individuals! We will discover that we are capable of developing purity of heart and mind intent........and this will bring us a great JOY and renewal of our life force.

WE, the entire human race, are becoming Divinely Human. YOU are becoming MORE THAN YOU HAD EVER DREAMED or hoped to be.....but it will take time.........

And we will have TIME..... and SPACE, time to feel, to connect with our brothers and sisters all over this globe - we are becoming what we truly are on a spiritual level - ONE BIG FAMILY of HUMANKIND. What affects one of us now affects us all. In this way, you are a channel for compassion and really BIG love. Your personal growth is being challenged towards a level of maturity not previously known by the majority of people on earth. We are graduating to a new level of conscious awareness that embraces the heart as much as it does the mind.

We must drop our old ideas and judgments as we become this divine human. We will still be human beings, but we will become increasingly aware of the precious nature of our eternal soul and the nature of the soul of others and of the earth Herself (Mother Gaia).

Become a steady flame of spirit! A flame that does not flicker in the storm.

As you grow in spiritual tenderness, you combine your passionate energy with purpose, direction, clear thinking, and effective mind intent. You will be helping to recreate a new world. You and me.....we all do this together.....a little at a time with every act of loving-kindness.
Today, I want to say goodbye to you with a calm, centered heart and an intention for your strong alignment with your individual spirit.

Peace and calm be with you!
Love from your Soul Sistar,
Dixie Gladstone
P.S. Sharon says, "Hello everybody, my book, LIGHTBEARER, is available for you! It will help you understand BASIC ASTROLOGY! It will have affirmations for each sign of the zodiac with my artwork that will help you sense into the energy and vitality behind your Zodiac signs."
Will you take a few moments to send me your stories on♥ 'How your HEART is opening' these days?....and anything else that you want to share with me? I LOVE IT when you send me your comments and suggestions; love, love, love it! SEND TO:
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