June 2016 - this article will be relevant as Venus continues to go through the seven GATEWAYS of the Crescent Moon into 2017 when the cycle will, once again, renew itself.....get your FREE NEWSLETTER if you want to go along with Venus, the Crescent Moon and YOUR OWN RENEWAL!




This is Boticelli's VENUS....

This is our symbol for Venus. Venus is all about LOVE, RELATIONSHIPS, BEAUTY, the ARTS, PERSONAL VALUES and FINANCES! 

VENUS went into the underworld from May 1st and will be there until July 14th, 2016. 

by Sharon Russell   click on image to see it larger - you can order Sharon's cards HERE - she will send you even just ONE CARD with free shipping.....the goddess has instructed her to do this because she says she wants to be NOTICED, particularly now that Venus is in the emerging and strengthened archetype of LEO!

And here is the Leo symbol. The energy of renewed feminine evolution for this  584 day VENUS CYCLE is coming through this sign, the sign of the solar light and power of feminine spirit.

Our upcoming VENUS ASCENSION time begins July 14th when we once again see our beautiful Venus - this time as EVENING STAR!

Venus 'arises and goes forth' in a new cycle every 8 years. In each of these new beginnings she carries an evolved aspect of the Divine Feminine according to the sign she emerges from. When she will be seen again she will carry the LEO ARCHETYPE of the Divine Feminine. She is going to be holding for us the torch of the Sun, the ruling planet of Leo to show us the solar power of the feminine spirit, a power that is being redefined using feminine principles as we move into this new age of Aquarius.

Venus gained  acess to the Underworld where she has undergone a psychic renewal with Spirit, the Sun.

Venus is IN, she has made her complete descent into the Underworld. Our ancestors saw her 8 year cycle as a  great journey of LIGHT. When Venus moves into the underworld she is undergoing a cycle of RENEWAL. She is very close to the SUN, her divine lover, the source of the SPIRIT she will 'bring forth' when she arises as our EVENING STAR in mid July, 2016.

Visits to the Underworld always imply that we go through a period of hell before we return to a renewed state of consciousness and growth both of which we will express in our everyday world and in the world of Soul. Thus these periods of underworld growth, though difficult, are necessary in life just as our journeys of joy and success.

Venus/Inanna gained access to the Underworld as she passed through the SEVEN GATEWAYS, the seven chakras, of the Balsamic Moon which began in September 2015 and completed in April of 2016.

This is our symbol for the Moon.

VENUS AND THE CRESCENT MOON - this is how Venus looks just before she passes through the Gateway of the Moon. Why the CRESCENT MOON? Because she rebirths a new DIVINE DAUGHTER in her Crescent Moon Phase. We'll learn more about this when we study the moon's phases.

After JULY 14, 2016, Venus will appear as our EVENING STAR. She will go though the first gateway of the CRESCENT MOON on August 3, 2016.

VENUS IS NOW IN THE UNDERWORLD and has been for the past few weeks. Our ancestors called this time, when we cannot see Venus in the sky, an UNDERWORLD JOURNEY. This journey was her time to gather strength, stamina, and new courage in her communion (conjunction or Sacred Marriage) with the Sun.


'Venus with Apple' by Bertel

She will continue to be there until once again she "ARISES AND COMES FORTH" as Evening Star.


Venus goes through her 1st GATEWAY on her first step of ASCENSION to HEAVEN on August 3 at 9:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time. START WATCHING BY LOOKING TO THE WEST JUST AFTER THE SUN SETS to see this lovely vision. Venus will claim her rights as SOVERIGN QUEEN as she makes her ascension through the first gateway in the sign of LEO.

This current Venus Cycle began August 22, 2015 and will conclude in March 31, 2017. VENUS has a 584 day cycle of renewal beginning with Venus Rising as a Morning Star, visible before sunrise. This 584 day Synodic cycle (about 19 months) is now taking place in the archetypal realm of Leo as a new feminine paradigm explores the mysteries of sovereignty as it relates to healthy self-love and the empowerment of women in roles of leadership.  

Venus procures her power and vestments on her 'Ascending Journey as Evening Star' and is finally CROWNED QUEEN OF THE HEAVENS as she passes through the 7th Gateway! (stay tuned as we month by month go through her seven gateways - sign up for FREE NEWSLETTER if you want to make sure you don't miss any of these passages of Venus!)

SUGGESTION:  If you are part of a women's circle you may want to honor these SEVEN GATEWAYS by following along with me and including VENUS ceremony in your circle at least once every month. Your group can create something very special for each woman's personal growth by creating an altar for Venus. If you refer to my previous articles on VENUS as she was making her DESCENT (Venus - Inanna and the Seventh Gate) you will get plenty of ideas of themes for your altar. For instance, when Venus goes through the first gateway which will be the first chakra, you might have an all red altar ...... or dress in something red.....or bring some grounding stones or red flowers. Each woman could share and commit to her personal issues on staying grounded - that could mean something different for each woman. Listen carefully to your sistars and share from the heart. CLAIM YOUR PERSONAL POWER for grounding in your embodied Venus!....maybe someone will bring a ROBE which each woman can put on as she shares.



Venus makes her ascent by going through the chakras in reverse order as when she made her descent. We will begin with the first or root chakra in August and go up as we make our personal ascension with Venus.

One candle at a time, we will LIGHT the world as we ascend with VENUS by acknowleging our personal gifts and talents and a 'non-selfish' SELF-LOVE THAT WILL SPILL OUT ONTO OTHERS AS WE HOLD OUR FEMININE FLAME AS SACRED.

Oh, girlfriends, this is exciting for me. For one thing, it took me a looooooong time to really feel that I had even a small grasp of this vital Venus cycle. We embody Venus in our bodies but her cycle is such that it moves with the MOON too. Our Moon which represents a woman's (or man's) Soul becomes the very gateway for our bodies to pass through. We are in the realm of the true Mystery School of the Feminine.

If at any time you feel confused about all these cycles and dates remember to TAKE IT EASY (as MJH always says!) and just follow along. I'll send more emails as the time draws near for Venus's first GATEWAY!

(You'll save money when you purchase ALL 8 MOON PHASES cards for only $36 - click here to see the selection!)... scroll down to CYCLES OF BECOMING

This is Sharon's painting of the CRESCENT MOON CYCLE! That gal is moving forward and so will you as Venus puts back ON all those garments she just took off in her descending phases. See my other articles that you can scan over on the left of this web site - such as, Venus Inanna makes her Descent to the Underworld - Gateway #3.......I recommend you go back to this article to get a felt sense of VENUS AS YOUR BODY.


VENUS BEGINS HER ASCENSION in July and officially goes through GATEWAY #1 at our Base Chakra on August 3rd - (NOTE: MARK CALENDARS GIRLFRIENDS!) I know, I repeat myself, can't help it....want you to join me so we can all together be witnesses to this awesome sight!

We want to be able to see this with our own eyes and we can! We just have to remember to HOLD this divine feminine energy by looking UP on the dates I give you - so if I say August 3rd, start looking for VENUS the night before so you can accustom yourself to where and when you want to be to see Venus pass through any of the upcoming 7 GATEWAYS during CRESCENT MOON times for the next 7 months. She really does go through and pass by the Crescent Moon during about a 1 to 2 hour period on the dates and times I will give you.

That's because VENUS IS the Rose, remember? 

I had a dream in which a rose was in beautiful crystal goblet in a glass of clear water.

The magic of the Venus cycle unfolds with every loop. With one synodic cycle, a revolution around the Sun, she forms a rose petal or a heart shape and then another and another every 1.6 years. A magnificent rose begins to form around the Sun with a full pentacle shaping itself in the middle. This is sacred geometry and it is HAPPENING......SCIENCE WITH A HEART AND A ROSE..........IMAGINE!

The Pentacle is not evil as patriarchy has taught many of us through religious beliefs.....the pentacle is the 'sacred' geometry of VENUS as she makes one synodic complete cycle around our Sun.

"FIVE is the number of the incarnate human—making possible the ascension from the lower quarternary world—that is, from the cyclic and temporal boundaries of space and time."

- The Way is through the Passage of the Heart -   Nick Fiorenza

Venus is human emodiment.

Found in an ancient Roman temple in Croatia!

During her 8 year cycle she reaffirms the 5 points of the star. Cut open an apple straight across the chunky side and what will you discover? We need to do this, not just think it, because this reaffirms our connection to VENUS, she is real and she is everywhere! Her cycle is the magic cycle of LIFE.

She is an abundant and fruitful Goddess of great delights!

BTW, the times I am giving you are Pacific Daylight Time, so you will need to add or subtract hours depending on which side of PDT you live on. So we begin watching for Venus in the evening sky on July 14, 15. Look to the WEST after sunset. Mercury will also be there but VENUS IS BRIGHTER of course!

Excluding that guy on the right, we see one of our sovereign QUEENS as she makes her ASCENSION. I know, I know, I don't talk politics - usually, but I'm just sayin'....notice what's happening in the world all around you. How many world leaders of nations are now women? I count at least five or six now,......soon, very soon, we can expect to see more women in positions that formerly were only held by men. This is vital for the survival of our economies and our planet. WOMEN ROCK! It's time sisters, if you are finding your self in a position of leadership but you still feel shy - READ ON!

This enchanting figure of woman was originally found in Africa, thousands of years ago. A Fertility Goddess, I see her as BRINGING DOWN THE MOON (or individual human SOUL) THROUGH THE EMBODIMENT OF VENUS.

The sign that Venus is in when she starts her 19-month synodic cycle, her cycle of Light, describes the presiding Goddess of this period. Leo, the vitality of the Self, loving the self, and bringing through your truest YOU, this will enrich your mature feminine nature. Women, we are ready to put back on the GARMENTS of the 7 GATEWAYS! Prepare yourselves by marking your calendars and assemblying the items for your center altar of personal EMBODIMENT AND GROUNDING as she goes through the first gateway! 


LEO rules the heart in the human body. 

The planetary ruler for LEO is our SUN. This is the only sign with a SUN as ruler (not a planet) giving her divine rights as sovereign QUEEN during this cycle. 

"Queen Zenobia" by Warwick Goble

A third century Syrian Queen

Women, we are more prepared than ever to take up LEADERSHIP positions. We have been working hard and now some of us will emerge as strong prepared leaders during these times, esp.  2016 - 2017, a new era of female leadership.

Happy sky watching! and love to all of your very dear hearts.....


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